Project 5k SUB 16:30

I’ve set the goal to run a 16:30 5k this year (2024).

After focusing on the marathon for two years it’s time to get back to shorter distances in this summer. In this article I share my thoughts and plans about my upcoming training. It is based on my experience as a runner and endurance athlete for six years now.

I reached the following personal bests so far:

5k: 17:00min (2022) *in a 10k race (35:01min)
10k: 34:36min (2021)
HM: 1:18:32h (2021)
M: 2:58:14h (2022)

STATS 2024 (so far):
RUN: 968km
BIKE: 1733km
GYM: 22h

MY TRAINING STATUS (06.06.2024):

Right now I have established a good aerobic endurance while running 40-60kms in the last weeks. In addition to that I cycle 2-3 times per week (mostly commuting to work) and go to the gym 1-2 times per week.

During the last month I tested my capability in the 5k with two test runs:

5k race in 17:22 on 17.05.2024:
Warm and windy conditions, out of training, first kilometer was too hard.

5k in 17:07 on 10.04.2024: 
Test run on the track, out of training.

Before that, I didn’t really do any 5k specific intervals.


My training starts in the second week of June starting in week 24 and ending in week 36 of 2024. I’m using a 4 week periodization with 3 blocks of training with different focuses: 

WEEK 1-4: Building base and speed 

Starting with work on both sides of the spectrum. Threshold work and faster speed work to work towards the specific race pace from both sides. 

  • focus on threshold training (30min-40min per workout
  • faster than race pace stuff (200m and short sprints)
  • Increasing volume

WEEK 5-8: Increase VO2 max through HIT training 

  • Increasing VO2max 
  • hill intervals
  • introducing specific intervals at goal pace

WEEK 9-12: Race specific 

  • extend the length of time running at goal pace
  • indicator workouts
  • taper and race week


In this training plan, I will program a slight progressive increase in weekly volume to 70-80km. I know from experience that it is difficult to get to this number of kilometers in my everyday life, but if it is on the plan, it is even easier to get through an additional workout 😉

This volume in addition to commuting by bike should be a good amount of training to reach that goal. So in order to reach that amount of volume I have to keep easy days easy.


First question before designing this training plan for me was: For what distance am I able to hold the Sub16:30 race pace of 3:18min/k right now in an interval workout? 

When I look at my last training 5k race I’m able to hold a pace of 3:25/km. This is my starting point right now for the upcoming interval series starting in week 5.

According to the training race my pace for a 1k rep (5-6 times) interval should be around 3:20. That seems a little bit too ambitious to me right know and will be a very intensive workout. To start with a more realistic workout I will start the interval series with 400m repeats at that pace (maybe slightly faster 3:15 – 3:20) and keep the rest short around 1:30min.

Then my approach will be to increase the distance of the intervals from 400 to 600 to 800 to 1k up to mile repeats. From week 5 on I will do one workout of this interval workouts every week in combination with another HIT workout. 

Interval series:

10-12 x 400m @1:18min (1:30′ r)

8-10 x 600m @1:57 (1:30′ r)

6-8 x 800m @2:38 (1:30′ r)

5-6 x 1000m @3:18 (1:30′ r)

3-4 x Mile @5:18 (1.30′ r)


I don’t like to focus too much on a training plan because life is what is sometimes: unplanned activities, tiredness, high demand in work. Having a training IQ means to listen when your body whispers to you. This means to…

– Skip an interval workout when tired or exhausted (switch to an easier workout or rest day)

– adapting paces in an interval workout

– Eating enough and during a workout if necessary 

– skip intervals when already tired (I also use a rep range to leave space for adaption)


– Where do you want to go? Which workout do I want to be able to run? Search for Indicator Workouts online

– 4 weeks periodization (3 weeks progression + 1 week recovery)

– determine volume increase (how much is feasible for your daily schedule?)

– Ask where do you stand right now? Test when necessary